Exciting times for Limpopo Maternal Care! We have progressed from talking about Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) to walking the talk. Greater-Letaba sub-district is our pilot site for the implementation of RMC as one of the Department’s interventions to improve the quality of care for pregnant women. The RMC initiative in Limpopo encompasses transforming maternity units into patient-centred care spaces that respect the basic human rights of pregnant women during pregnancy, labour and birth; advocating for women to have a birth companion to provide physical and emotional support during pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal; and empowering women through antenatal education classes at health facilities. The LimMCARE (Limpopo Maternal CARE) team has been providing on-site mentoring and resources for PHC facilities and the district hospital in Greater-Letaba sub-district through funding from Discovery Fund and The ELMA Foundation. It has been amazing witnessing midwives, managers, support staff (security, cleaners, etc.) transforming into RMC Advocates through the mentoring process. This is the beginning of greater things to come for our special pregnant moms in Limpopo! Halaaaala midwives halaala!!!
Category: Local news
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